The World Ahead

Finale of an AWESOME fictional
drama novel trilogy
Change Is Inevitable!!!
Kid's will be kids, but when do kids become adults? There's a thin line
between accidents and intentions, especially when jealousy or envy is
present. Is it truly better to have loved and lost than to have never loved
at all? Hmmmmm. Travel with me down a road of dreamy destiny or
despiteful deception, humbling happiness or humiliating heartache,
lasting love or lingering lust. See how money can make or break anyone
in its path, causing quite the destruction. Nothing is ever what it seems
when it comes to Carey and her immediate surroundings. You'll never
know what danger is lurking in the dark or what strange and unusual
things will pop up next.
About the Author
I was born and raised in Fort Worth, TX. I graduated from two schools, Trimble Technical High School and New Lives school for pregnant and parenting teens. Prior to graduation, I had my first child; a daughter. After graduation, I received a full scholarship and began taking classes at TCJC (Tarrant County Junior College); as well, held down a full time job to support her. Three years later, I was blessed with my second child; a son. Needless to say, I continued working non-stop to ensure they were both taken care of. I have been married to my loving husband almost ten years and between the two of us, we have four beautiful children and nine wonderful grandchildren. I am currently employed as a Business Systems Analyst II for a major financial institution; where I test computer code and functionality for all applications used by the Auto line of business.
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